A rundown of 7 people who have done things that the rest of us mere mortals can only dream of. From John Holmes to Casanova.
Amongst Casanovas many conquests were a 14-year-old girl and a nun, who he reportedly had together at one point, maybe after a friend bet him he couldn't do something sexually perverse enough to rip open a portal to Hell.
Come down with me into the rabbit hole of psychosis, varying degrees of sociopathic intent and possible vomit inducing paranoia.
Enjoy the sights of lucid nightmares and behold the cuteness of the fluffy bunny.
Dive right in to the lake of sugary goodness and fight for your life against the monsters within.
Here you will meet both the deviant and the divine - the hero and the heretic.
Hopefully you'll enjoy the ride - after all - it's free!!
So buckle up if you like - if not, hold on tight.....and here goes..
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