Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Monday, 29 June 2009
More expense drama..or should that be 'treuliau'?
Yet more scandal on the expenses front - but his time it's not Westminster that I'm talking about. This is far closer to me than that.
Update: I have, since this post had quite an nice discussion with Bethan Jenkins who was happy to answer my questions. I can't say that she answered them all satisfactorily - but that's politics for ya!
My thanks to her for taking the time to debate the matter.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Saturday, 27 June 2009
For My Sons....
To my central, who is working hard and thinking about making his own way in the world.
To my youngest, who is finding the limelight of youth.
I love you all.
Be careful - and if you make a mistake - don't worry.....all of you were! And look how you turned out....lol.
Friday, 26 June 2009
Harrison Ford Missing?
A friend of mine in France has just said 'it's been reported that Harrison Ford has gone missing off the coast of St Tropez...
If I hear any more - I'll let you know.
Latest - May be a hoax - hope it is....
UPDATE - Definately a hoax......
although here's a picture of what He might have looked like if he had to jump from a sinking ship.

Feel free to look round the rest of the site while you're here..
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Michael Jackson Dies
Was never a fan myself - but here's a tribute (embedding on all other vids was disabled - this was all I could get...lol)
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Monday, 22 June 2009
Donny And Marie Osmond Do Star Wars
So sit back and enjoy the awesomely cheesy spectacle of Donny and Marie as Luke and Leia - and to top it all off - Kris Kristofferson as Han Solo.....
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Friday, 19 June 2009
'Civilization' Elevator Video
Comprised of over 400 video clips it takes passengers on a trip from hell to heaven on the way up and heaven to hell on the way down.
Civilization by Marco Brambilla from CRUSH on Vimeo.
Watch in full screen with the volume up to get the most out of it.
Via Boing Boing where there are links to more info.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
You've Already Lost!

Pirate Bay launches VPN service.
UK government to crack down on illegal file-sharing.
Pirate Bay and Anonymous assist Iran activists.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Monday, 15 June 2009
Big Giant Robots!
Can't wait to see it!
And I know this isn't strictly a Transformer - but here's a few awesome pics of the giant Gundam statue in Tokyo.

Sunday, 14 June 2009
Saturday, 13 June 2009
7 Great Muppet Sci-Fi Moments
Friday, 12 June 2009
'Unko-san' - Lucky Poo anime
The stories revolve around Unko-san — whose name is a play on the Japanese words for “luck” (un) and “crap” (unko) — and his quest for happiness on Lucky Island, which is populated by a host of other poo fairies.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Inflatable Tower Could Climb Into Space
"A giant inflatable tower could carry people to the edge of space without the need for a rocket, and could be completed much sooner than a cable-based space elevator."

"Twenty kilometres up is about as dark as outer space. You can see about 600 kilometres in any direction," Quine says. Tourists could get a view almost like that from space, but without the difficulties of coping with zero gravity. He calculates the tower could be extended up to low Earth orbit at 200 kilometres.
The tower does a similar job to the much-vaunted space elevator. But while the elevator envisages using ribbons woven from superstrong nanotubes - a material that is as yet non-existent - the tower would use materials that are already available. And should something go wrong with the tower, failure of a few modules would not cause the whole structure to collapse."
Yay!!! I'm gonna go into space on a bouncy castle!!!
Cute Animal Pics Of The Week
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Anatomy of a Fairy Tale by Julia Murakami
Thankfully, he's back with a new blog full of the same kind of fantastic posts along with heaps of new stuff.
'Tiny Chance' Of Planet Collision
The researchers carried out 2,500 tests and, in some, the outcome was Earth being involved in a collosion with Mars or Venus. The tests also showed that there was a chance that Mercury could collide with Venus creating a larger planet and that Mars could have a close encounter with Jupiter which would push it out of our Solar System.
Speaking of the collision and other results of the tests Professor Laskar said...
"It will be complete devastation," said Professor Laskar.
"The planet is coming in at 10km per second - 10 times the speed of a bullet - and of course Mars is much more massive than a bullet."
Professor Laskar's calculations also show that there is a possibility of Mercury crashing into Venus. But in that scenario, the Earth would not be significantly affected.
"If there is anyone around billions of years from now, they'd see a burst of light in the sky and the two planets would be merged," he said.
"The new planet would be a little bit bigger than Venus, and the Solar System would be a little more regular after the collision, but the Earth's orbit would not be affected."
For a slightly different view on worlds colliding - the whole of the movie 'When Worlds Collide' is on you tube. This is part one of nine - click through on the vid and the links to all nine parts are there.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Monday, 8 June 2009
Machine Girl 2
Due for release soon - here's the trailer for Machine Girl 2 ....w00t! A 22 minute spin off from the original film that concentrates on Noriko (who was stabbed in the head by the Yakuza in the first film)
Note to readers - trailer includes semi-naked Japanese girls with guns - lol - you'll watch it now won't you....
'Sex Galaxy' - Recycled Vintage Porn - Slightly NSFW
There's an interview with Mike Davies (Producer/Director) over at Wired.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Friday, 5 June 2009
Dr Terrors House Of Horrors
Not only has it got Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing - but also the much forgotten Roy Castle.
If you're in the UK and want to watch it in the dark, on your own after the pub - then it's on BBC2 at 1.35am (saturday night/sunday morn).
If you're not in the UK - or just want to watch it now - then here it is in all it's glory.
Sleep tight..
The Greatest Virginity Story Ever Told

"When guys go to Vegas, there's usually only one thing on their minds. Otto Baxter is no different—except for the fact that he has Down syndrome"
Click here to read it. I promise it'll make you smile :-)
Thursday, 4 June 2009
RIP David Carradine
Kill Bill and Kung Fu star David Carradine has been found dead in a Bangkok hotel room, BBC correspondent Jonathan Head has reported.
The 72-year-old was in Thailand filming his latest film Stretch, according to his personal manager Chuck Binder.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Considering The Present Political Climate.....
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
A Little Nonsense Now And Zen
WHILE Bankei was preaching quietly to his followers, his talk was
interrupted by a Shinshu priest who believed in miracles, and
thought salvation came from repeating holy words.
Bankei was unable to go on with his talk, and asked the priest
what he wanted to say.
"The founder of my religion," boasted the priest, "stood on one
shore of a river with a writing brush in his hand. His disciple
stood on the other shore holding a sheet of paper. And the founder
wrote the holy name of Amida onto the paper across the river
through the air. Can you do anything so miraculous?"
"No," said Bankei, "I can do only little miracles. Like: when I am
hungry, I eat; when I am thirsty, I drink; when I am insulted, I
Monday, 1 June 2009
Teachers Finally Caught 'Educating' Kids
Two teachers from my home town have been thrust into the spotlight after a homemade porn film of their 'sex games' was posted on an amatuer porn site..
Worse for them the story was printed in the local rag 'The Merthyr Express' with their identity hidden - a full one day after the 'Daily Mail' had published their full names, schools and pictures!
Question is - did they upload it themselves - or maybe lent the dvd to a mate -who then uploaded it? Either way - important lesson on internet idiocy well and truly learned.
Btw - if anyone can get me a copy of the vid - I would be greatly amused....