Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Vampyre Wars.....
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Steampunk Spider

Pumpkins Galore

Monday, 29 October 2007
Japanese Ultimate Fetish..
This should cheer you up on a Monday night!
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Gay Bar
Saturday, 27 October 2007
A Little Nonsense Now And Zen
Friday, 26 October 2007
Klara And Edda Belly Dancing - Finally Uncensored
Finally today the picture was passed as 'decent'
Kerrie Bell, head of the CPS Northumbria South Unit, said: "In order to prove that the photograph is indecent we must be satisfied that contemporary standards of propriety are so different now to what they were in 2001, that it is more likely than not that a court will conclude that the photograph is indecent.
"I am not satisfied that is the case.
"Even if the photograph was now considered to be indecent, a defendant would be able to raise a legitimate defence, given that the photograph was distributed for the purposes of display in a contemporary art gallery after having been deemed not to be indecent by the earlier investigation.
"Accordingly, I am of the opinion that the evidence is insufficient to justify proceedings for offences of possession or distribution of an indecent photograph."
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Evil Monkey!
In a freak event, the Deputy Mayor of Dehli has been killed by a gang of marauding monkeys.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Mouse Vs Mouse - The Mickey (Micky) Fight Is On
The breaking point for this feeling came when I was watching 'The Little Mermaid' way back when. I've always loved Hans Christian Anderson and the thought of seeing one of his most popular stories on screen was exciting (ok, I was way too old for Disney by this point but - who cares).
I was greeted on watching, not with the visual and stimulating extavaganza I was expecting but with a dribbling, twisted, drawing that took every single piece of archetypal wisdom and moral and ethical value and lesson and smashed it like a chimney sweep!
So this little article on boing boing today really made my day.
Remember that Simpsons episode where the real Itchy and Scratchy artist sues the cartoon company......
"This eBay auction for a rare 1920s "Micky" Mouse toy from the Performo-Toy Company includes an article that looks into the possibility that Disney cheated the Performo-Toy Company out of the character. "
Micky Mouse, the toy, and Mickey Mouse, the cartoon movie star, coexisted from 1928 to 1931. By 1931, Disney's new animation and sound techniques had launched the cartoon Mickey to superstar status. Walt's brother Roy was put in charge of marketing Mickey Mouse merchandise. One of the items he sold was a toy replica of the cartoon. Mickey and Micky were now competing in the same market. Ironically, they used the Borgfeldt Company, the same distributor Performo-Toy Company had been using for years. The Disney Corporation sued the Performo-Toy Company claiming they took Micky from Disney. The small toy company was no match for the large production company and the courts ordered the Performo-Toy Company to stop all production of the Micky toys and destroy any existing stock. Even catalogs containing Micky had to be destroyed. This tragedy, along with the Great Depression, was enough to put the Performo-Toy Company out of business."
Disneys Mickey Mouse
Performos Micky Mouse
....for those who don't know The Little Mermaid dies in the end! That comes after the wicked witch gives her legs on the provision that every step she takes on land will be like walking on broken glass. And even AFTER she dies (cos she don't get the prince) she is given a child to look after (gaurdian angel type thing) and she will saty a hundred years in limbo for every tear that child cries.
Now THAT'S a fuckin' fairy tale!!!!!
Despite all of that though the Disney Little Mermaid film still has one of my fave songs (see youtube vid below) and one of my favourite 'homage' videos (click this link to view)
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Lights Out
Monday, 15 October 2007
This Little Piggy...

Saturday, 13 October 2007
Moonwalking Bird
The M C Hammer bit is my fave.
Friday, 12 October 2007
Blog Action Day
Friday Night Top Of The Pops
Evolution Vs Creation
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Monday, 8 October 2007
I is in ur bibul. Fuckin wit ur truths
Then he sed: "Everywun get ur buts ovar here so I can sho u mai neu invenshun!"
Everywun went ovar thar and luuked at it.
Then teh kign's loud voise man sed: "OMG! I iz ttly teh sh!T.
"U heer muzak, u fall down, k?

Saturday, 6 October 2007
1920s Porn Film - Definately NSFW
Final Fantasy Potion - Finally Here